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From time to time, everyone needs to know there’s someone who will be there to listen. You can be that someone who will make a difference.  If you’ve ever faced a challenging time in your own life, you know that having someone to talk to can make all the difference in the world. It can be very lonely and difficult if you have no one who is able to listen. Telecare volunteers are available to listen with understanding and without judgement. From time to time, everyone needs to know there’s someone who will be there to listen. You can be that someone who will make a difference.

  • Most importantly, active listening to those in need
  • Genuine concern for each caller
  • The promise of complete confidentiality and anonymity
  • The opportunity to talk about what’s going on; with supportive listening, callers can come up with the best solution for their own situation
  • Reassurance and emotional support
  • Renewed hope and courage in difficult times
  • Information about community organizations that could be helpful
  • Training in active listening techniques and how to address emergency situations
  • Comprehensive training to develop an understanding of a range of social issues
  • Skills that many find helpful in their own personal lives
  • Skills transferable to the work place
  • The opportunity to make a difference for individuals and the community at large
  • The satisfaction of providing emotional support for those in need
  • The opportunity to better understand their own feelings and relationships
  • Being part of a caring, community-minded team of volunteers
  • A good listener
  • Able to be non-judgmental, non-directive, accepting and supportive
  • Emotionally mature and reliable
  • Able to commit to confidentiality
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Able to commit to the equivalent of one four hour shift every two weeks.
  • Willing to participate in on-going training
  • Committed to the concept of service as recognized in major religions and in our society
  • Involves 50 hours of interactive classes. Eligible participants must be comfortable with discussion format and role playing.
  • Costs $50 (subsidies available to potential volunteers)
  • Draws on the experience of many community experts.
  • Develops listening skills and awareness of social, emotional, psychological, spiritual needs and resources.
  • Is open to potential volunteers and other interested members of the community.
  • Is a prerequisite to volunteering with Telecare. Further screening is also required of volunteers.

What our volunteers have to say

It has been invaluable in giving me experience with many populations in Peterborough (elderly, young, mentally ill, shut-ins, people in crisis, suicidal, etc). Everyone needs a listening ear. We really do make a difference with those we serve. I love this work. It is very meaningful and fulfilling.


Telecare challenges me in so many ways: to be patient and just listen, to be non-judgemental, and, grateful for the times when I really feel I have helped someone or made them feel better about their life


It’s in giving (your time, your ears, your empathy) to others that you receive the gift of feeling you’ve been able to help another person in some small or big way. Truthfully, as a volunteer I’ve been given more than I’ve been able to give.


I’ve had a good life and wanted to give back to society in a small way.


Volunteer Application

Want to become a volunteer? Click here to fill out our online Volunteer Application form.

Upcoming Volunteer Training Dates.

Our Fall 2024 training will be starting in Oct 2024. The training consists of 50 hours and is done independently and online. There is a short introductory unit and then the first zoom session will be Thursday Oct 3rd from 7pm to 9pm. Sessions continue every Monday and Thursday evening from 7pm to 9pm until Thursday November 21st, (with the exception of the week of Oct 14th, when there will be no sessions, Happy Thanksgiving!). Trainees are expected to participate in all sessions. The rest of the hours of training are made up through a variety of independent self-directed learning tools/units. We look forward to you joining the Telecare family.

 Please “click” the “Apply Online” to fill out an application
