To help find other agencies and services information about social and community services, government programs and more.
ConnexOntario maintains the most comprehensive drug, alcohol, problem gambling, and mental health services database in Ontario. multilingual phone lines
To learn more about mental health and addictions
“This Being Human” Articles by Lee Smith Phd
“Mental Health and Addiction 101” easy-to-use online tutorials from CAMH, the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
Downloadable pamphlets on a variety of mental health topics
Local sources of support
Social Service City of Peterborough
Peterborough City County Health Unit (PCCHU)
Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre (KSAC)
Community Counselling and Resource Centre (CCRC)
Canadian Mental Health Association Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge
Useful 1-800 or 1-888 phone numbers
– 211 (just dial 211) information about social and community services, government programs and more. Multilingual service
– Seniors Safety Line 1-866-299-1011
– Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1-800-565-8603
– Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600
– Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505