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Volunteer Application Form

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Are you 18 years or older?
How did you find out about volunteering with Telecare Peterborough? (check all that apply)
Do you intend to become a Telecare volunteer if invited to do so after completing 50 hours of training?
If yes to above, what is your reason for wanting to volunteer?
Are you currently volunteering or have you volunteered in the past
Will you require assistance with the $50 training fee?
By checking this box, I understand that to become a member of Telecare Peterborough, I must be willing to take the full training, and that my membership is probationary for the first six months. Membership commitment is renewed annually.
By checking this box, I also understand that volunteering on the phone line means answering calls on-site in Peterborough. i also understand that I will be asked to volunteer the equivalent of one 4-hour shift every two weeks.

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